Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nadine Jansenswimsuit

Dearest Blog Award

I have received from two readers of my blog, Letty and Gerry, the "Dearest Blog Award" and wants to extend to three other blogs I like to read .

Here are the rules:

Create a post by you post the Love Blog image and the instructions reinkopierst (= this text). You should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award and let them know via comment in her blog that you accept the Award and its Award can be the link of your posts there. Then put on you look 3-5 favorite blogs that you also link in your post and comment by the owners of each function will inform that they have been tagged and here also the link angibst of the post, in which the declaration is.
Dear Blogger: The goal of this action that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so I would ask you to post any blogs that have already 3,000 readers, but talented beginners and people who been a while blogging, but still not known.

And these are my winner ^ _ ^

FELICIE à paris * * (I like their soft and tough, feminine style, their ideas, their agents!)

Veronica Darling (She is a strong woman and wears clothes ... soo many clothes!)

sew crafty yarn (We assume that (almost) the same colors, designs, installations!)

PS: After and from here everything is bilingual;)
I got the "Dearest Blog Award" from two of my readers, Letty and Gerry, and I want to give it to three other lovely bloggers.

Here are the rules:

Write a post with the "dear blog, image and copy this instruction (= this text) into it. As well, you should place a link to the person who tagged you and leave him/her a link by comment to your post. Afterwards, you can choose 3-5 blogs you like most. Link these blogs in your post and inform their authors by placing a comment into their blogs. It would be great if you share the link to this instruction in the comment as well.
Dear blogger: The purpose of this award is simple. Great but more or less unknown blogs should be promoted. Therefore, I would like if you don't link blogs with 3000 followers but gifted newbies and unknown bloggers.

And here are the winners ^_^

* felicie à paris * (I like her smooth, tough and feminine style, her ideas, her fabrics!)

Veronica Darling (She's a powerful woman with great taste and she wears dresses ... so many dresses ...!!)

sew crafty yarn (! We both like mostly the same colors, designs, interior furnishing styles)

PS: I am sorry that all of my blog posts are only in German yet -.- "


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